
Trucareqld is a mental health and intellectual disability business

Welcome to TrucareQld, your trusted NDIS service provider in Cairns. As a local provider, we prioritize building strong relationships with our clients and their families. We are here to listen, support, and guide you towards achieving your goals.

We are dedicated to maintaining quality in personal care.

By providing personalized care plans, assistance with daily living activities, promoting social participation, skill development, and prioritizing health and well-being, TrucareQld strives to empower individuals with disabilities and their families to live fulfilling lives.
Get Back to Your Life
Excellent Quality of Life

Our services at a glance

Daily living – Assistance

TrucareQld support individuals in their daily activities, including personal hygiene, cleaning, cooking, and mobility.

Daily Tasks/Shared living

This support provides both short and long-term help with everyday tasks in shared housing such as units or arrangements with host families.

Development Life skills

This assistance aims to help individuals develop daily living and life skills for independent living and community participation.

Road to recovery

Why choose TrucareQld?

An expert team at TrucareQld will assist in setting up a customised plan developed for you that will provide best quality of life where you can enjoy a safe environment supporting overall wellbeing.

Discover yourself at TrucareQld

Our team encourage independence and self-sufficiency by supporting individuals in gradually acquiring skills and confidence to independently carry out tasks.

Join Team TrucareQld

We actively support and promote a multicultural work environment. We believe that diversity brings a range of perspectives, skills, and experiences which enrich our organization. We strive to create a workplace where all employees, regardless of their background, feel valued, respected, and included.